Thursday 1 July 2010

Perils of Ice Cream

Hello everybody!

Well, things are hotting up...slightly. The tyranny of a 9-5 makes it hard to make films (although of course not having one would make it impossible to actually fund them) but there are some spaces.

I put together teaser trailers for Inbetweenland and Plastic Vultures (like I totally said I would)...but lookee here! I'm not the only one making teaser trailers...

Heh. Sexes.

This is from my buddy The Cake Maker, from a play what he wrote. The footage was shot by me, over one hectic day in the historical Buxton. I must say the black and white makes it very nice indeed, a good choice that man.
Starring are some other wonderful friends of mine who are both stars.

Meanwhile, I am trying to find a way of shooting an ice cream cone in an interesting way.
It's a living, innit?

Make way for film!

Thanks peoples for the nice comments on my last post!
There are much appreciated ^^


  1. Heh ;) It's all in the tease! Don't worry, you'll see em soon enough.

    (Fry: That's not soon enough!)
