Sunday 1 August 2010

The Green Green Grass of Over There

The grass is always greener on the other side.
At least, there always seem to be flowers growing over there that you can't grow over here.
As an employed person who earns a decent wage, I feel like an arse whinging to people who have been spending months trying to get employment with no success, for seemingly no reason other than that the universe has it in for them.
However there is no denying the fact that I am becoming more and more unsatsfied with the free-time filmmaking approach endemic in a 9-5. I knew it would happen. It is an integral part of Moore's Equation Of Why Things Never Get Done (TM).

If x >/= 1, y = 0

When x = inclination, y = money
When x =money, y= time
When x = time, y = inclination

I have been feeling more and more stretched for the past weeks, desperately fighting the unstoppable juggernaut of time, spending days gritting my teeth to stumps watching HOURS of good film making time go by.
And it seems that things tend more often than not to conspire to stop me using the precious time I have to do what I want. Unavoidable engagements, unavilable people and unforseeable weather have all scuppered getting Easter Egg finished in time for the screening next week, and are seriously calling into question whether I can finished other project done.

The Screening!
YES! Bet you'd thought I'd forgotten, dintcha? Well I haven't. So screw you.
Tomorrow I will be sending out the order of the day and intructions on how to get there,
as well as further invites and the menu for food and drink.

Watch this spacem, and make way for film!

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